The Pathological Interpretation of Catharsis


  • Martin Vöhler Aristotle University Thessaloniki



When Aristotle characterized the effect of tragedy as catharsis (“purification”) of the tragic emotions (“fear and pity”), he set off a discussion which is still ongoing. This essay deals with the transformations of catharsis and the break with tradition which occurred when Jacob Bernays in a philological treatise (1857) rejected the traditional moral concept of catharsis. In its place Bernays put forward “solicitation”, i.e. the deliberate excitation and discharge of emotions. The process of catharsis was thus medically interpreted and labelled pathological. This study focuses on Bernays’ achievements in redefining the term and the resulting dissolution of its boundaries; no longer limited to the classical fields of poetics and ethics, religion and politics, catharsis is relevant to medicine, psychology, aesthetics and cultural theory.

Author Biography

  • Martin Vöhler, Aristotle University Thessaloniki
    Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Philology Department of Classics GR–54124 Thessaloniki


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